Friesen and Pishnyak to Represent Mansour Gavin at Legal Netlink Alliance’s Fall Meeting
Brendon Friesen and Tatyana Pishnyak will be representing Mansour Gavin at the Legal Netlink Alliance’s (LNA) annual Fall Meeting in Dallas, TX October 25-28.
Program topics include the following:
- The Importance of Succession Planning at Every Level: How to Strategically Build Levels in your Firm
- From the Courtroom to the Boardroom: Winning Big by Utilizing Emotional Intelligence Knowledge and Strategies
- Hey ChatGPT, What are the Legal Issues Surrounding Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace?
- What is New in Employment Law: Legal Update for Law Firms and Their Clients
- Care for the Whole Business: How Focus on and Knowledge of Your Client’s Industry and Business Will Benefit the Development of Your Legal Strategies
- Issues Facing Law Firms Today and How to Create and Implement Targeted Solutions
- What Every Civil Lawyer Needs to Know About Criminal Law
We’re looking forward to coming together with other countries throughout the world to meet some of the most brilliant legal minds!
LNA is a global alliance of carefully selected, mid-sized, general practice, independent law firms. Mansour Gavin was selected to join LNA in the fall of 2014. Brendon is vice-president of LNA US and Tatyana serves on their membership committee. Firms that are selected for membership represent a high level of quality and integrity and the network’s membership of first class law firms gives clients’ access to quality legal representation virtually anywhere in the world.
Mansour Gavin LPA is an established law firm founded in 1954 with offices in Cleveland and Independence, Ohio. The firm provides a wide range of legal services to individuals and many successful privately held and publicly traded corporations.