Canada Joins the Madrid Protocol
By Miles Welo
Canada became the 104th member of the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks (the “Madrid Protocol”), allowing international brands to utilize the system in Canada beginning on June 17, 2019. The Madrid Protocol provides an efficient and cost-effective process for brand owners to register and protect their marks worldwide, covering 120 countries, and is essential for international trademark owners.
For non-Canadian trademark owners seeking protection in Canada, this is great news, as they no longer need file a separate, national trademark application for the country of Canada, but instead will be able to file one application, and pay one fee, to apply for a Madrid Protocol registration. Canada’s adoption of the Madrid Protocol will reduce costs for trademark owners seeking protection in Canada, and will potentially make Canada a more attractive destination for non-Canadian businesses.
For international trademark owners who currently have Madrid Protocol registrations but do not have separate national Canadian registrations for the same marks, the Intellectual Property attorneys at Mansour Gavin LPA can assist you in including the country of Canada to your Madrid Protocol registration. If you have any Intellectual Property questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Brendon P. Friesen, Jennifer E. Horn, Miles P. Welo, or Kenneth E. Smith.
Our attorneys are always ready, willing and able to meet and discuss any questions you may have. Learn more about Mansour Gavin’s Intellectual Property Group.