Mansour Gavin is a proud sponsor of the Up Side of Downs’ Sunburst Gala – A Night to Celebrate and Shine. The event will be held on Saturday, March 10, 2018 at the Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center. The Up Side of Downs exists to provide support, education and advocacy for people with Downs syndrome, their families and communities throughout Northeast Ohio.
For more information about this Gala or to purchase tickets to attend the event, contact USOD Board Member Mickey Quinlan at Mansour Gavin or click here to visit the Up Side of Downs website.
Mansour Gavin LPA was a sponsor of the Huntington’s Disease Society of America’s “Celebration of Hope — A Night in Venice” at Landerhaven in Mayfield Heights held on October 13, 2017. The event is an annual fundraiser to raise money and awareness about Huntington’s Disease. This goal was to raise $150,000 through attendees, sponsorships, and donations.
Mansour Gavin LPA is serving as a presenting sponsor of John Owen’s Adventure, Inc.’s annual “Picnic in the Park,” which will be held this Saturday, July 9th from 4-10 p.m. at German Central Park, 7863 York Road, Parma Ohio 44130. Details of the event, which benefits Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy, are provided here.
Mansour Gavin both participated in and served as a sponsor of the recent 2016 HeartBeat 5k, presented by the American Heart Association Young Professionals Board. Held on a recent Saturday at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Team MG reported gorgeous weather and a fun race. Looking forward to 2017!
In support of Go Red for Women, Mansour Gavin participated in “National Wear Red Day” on Friday, February 5, 2016.
Proud supporters of the American Heart Association | American Stroke Association, Mansour Gavin LPA once again put together a team that walked in the 2015 Heart Walk on Saturday, September 26th. Prior to the big walk, Mansour Gavin raised funds for the AHA with an office cake walk, happy hour, 50/50 and prize raffles, and the ever-popular casual days.