Mansour Gavin Secures Medical Marijuana Processor Licenses for Ancient Roots and Cielo Processing on Appeal
Brendon Friesen, Mansour Gavin LPA shareholder and Business and Corporate Services Group chair, recently secured two major victories for his clients, Ancient Roots of Wilmington, Ohio and Cielo Processing of Euclid, Ohio.
In January 2019, the Medical Marijuana Control Program (“MMCP”) of the Ohio Department of Commerce (the “Department”) denied both companies provisional licenses to process medical marijuana despite scoring high enough to qualify. Following the administrative appeals, the Department agreed with the legal arguments of Mansour Gavin and awarded both companies licenses. The licenses constitute two of just a handful of the coveted Ohio medical marijuana licenses won on appeal. The processor licenses will ultimately permit both companies to produce and sell products such as vape cartridges, edibles, tinctures, and other cannabis extract products approved by the MMCP.
Mansour Gavin represents Ancient Roots, Cielo Processing, and other companies in the legal cannabis markets of Ohio, the U.S. and abroad. If you have any questions on how we can assist your legal cannabis business, please contact Brendon Friesen or one of our other Business and Corporate Services attorneys.