We Stand With Ukraine
In tragic times of Russian aggression against Ukraine, we are witness to the unthinkable. Two members of the Mansour Gavin family have close ties to Ukraine. Tatyana Pishnyak and her husband are from Ukraine, where their family and friends still reside. Tim Boyko is of Ukrainian descent, both of his grandparents were born there, and he is actively involved with the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese in Parma.
We stand with the people of Ukraine and hope for an immediate end to this war.
To support Ukrainian humanitarian efforts, please consider contributing to one of the following organizations.
Cleveland Maidan Association – a local organization sending humanitarian help to Ukraine – https://www.clevelandmaidan.info/
Razom Ukraine – a U.S. organization sending humanitarian help to Ukraine – https://razomforukraine.org/razom-emergency-response/
Saint Josephat Eparchy – Provides food, clothing, shelter, and medical assistance to Ukraine – https://stjosaphateparchy.com/